
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Project - Prologue

Let's read 19th century books together! Introduction As a comic book lover, I started reading comics when I was 5 or 6 and super heroes comics use to be the ones that catched my attention the most. That was a fact till I turned 18 and found out there were much more than that. Of course, as any other Brazilian child, I growed up reading Monica and Friends , but when I figured out about the astonishing and mind-blowing adult universe of Vertigo comics my world turned upside down with the river of possibilities. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen's Art My Brazilian Issues from Monica and Friends That was the context that I was in when I heard about  The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and how many references Alan Moore used to build his version of classic book characters and put them together in a sort of Victorian Justice League. And the plot from first issue was simple: In 1898, Captain Nemo, Allan Quatermain, Dr. Jekyll, and Hawley Gryphon, the Invisible Man are among t